Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Khader Tarazi

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1968
  • key_age: 54
  • Резюме :


Khader Elias Tarazi, (August 8, 1968 - February 9, 1988 in Gaza), a Palestinian who was arrested by the Israeli army and died under torture, and the Israeli authorities stole his body parts.

his life
He was born in the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza, to a Christian family originally from Jaffa. His mother, Nawal Tarazi (died in 1990), and his father, Elias Tarazi (died in 1997), has two brothers, Kamal (August 6, 1962), and Rami, and two sisters, Evelyn and Randa, both of whom live in Jerusalem.

He finished high school in the literary branch. And then worked in the goldsmithing for a short period. not married. He has several brothers, Fouad. His mother, Nawal George Bishara Tarazi, died two years after his death as a result of liver cancer on January 14, 1990. His father, Elias Tarazi, passed away on September 27, 1997.

his death
Al-Tarazi was arrested on February 8, 1988 and tied to the front of a military jeep after he was beaten, and transferred to “Ansar 2” detention center. He was received, and then transferred to Ashkelon Hospital in Majdal, where he was martyred on the way. He was transferred to the Abu Kabir Medical Institute, which stole organs from the martyr’s body. He was handed over to his family after removing his eyes and internal organs. A medical report stated that the cause of death was “severe beatings, fractures in the Skull head, vertebral fracture, and other fractures.

Under human rights and legal pressures from the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, an Israeli military court held an Israeli military court for the soldiers who tortured him, but they were acquitted of the murder charge.



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