Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Helwa Jackman

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Female
  • Born in: 1913
  • key_age: 108
  • Резюме :


She was born in Bethlehem in 1913. She contributed to the founding of the General Arab Women's Union in Bethlehem, late 1947, and was elected as a deputy for the first time, Mrs. Beirut Maalouf, then was elected as a chairperson for individuals, and she held this position until 1992.

First aid training for women

Достижения и награды

Helwa Jaqman, through the establishment of the Housing Charitable Society in 1960, contributed to building 42 housing units in Bethlehem, and 24 in Beit Sahour, in addition to other units under construction. Hila Jokman participated in Arab and international conferences, including the Arab Women's Union Conference in Beirut, then The Housing Conference in Rome, and the Conference of the General Union of Palestinian Women in Jerusalem in 1965.


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