Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Zuhair Muhsin

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1936
  • key_age: 87
  • Резюме :


Zuhair Hassan Mohsen Al-Zaher (Abu Hassan; born in 1936 in Tulkarm - assassinated on July 25, 1979 in Cannes) was a Palestinian politician and military commander, one of the senior Palestinian politicians, leader of the Thunderbolt Organization, and one of the most prominent leaders of the Arab Socialist Baath Party. He held important and high positions in the organization Palestine Liberation Organization, including the head of the military department of the organization.

His upbringing and education
Zuhair Hassan Zahir Muhsin was born in the Palestinian city of Tulkarm in 1936. He received his primary, preparatory and secondary education in the schools of his city, and finished high school in 1954 at the ancient Al-Fadhiliya School in the city.

his personal life
Zuhair Mohsen is married and has a son named Hassan, and he does not have any house or villa in his name, as he used to rent an apartment.

his political life
Zuhair Mohsen joined the Arab Socialist Baath Party in his city of Tulkarm in 1953, and in 1957 he became a member of the party's leadership in the city of Tulkarm, which led to his prosecution and arrest.

Mohsen worked as a teacher in Kuwait, and in 1964 he became a member of the leadership of the party organization in Kuwait.

In 1968, he left his job in Kuwait and moved to Damascus, where he became a member of the Qatari leadership of the Unified Palestinian Organization until the end of 1968.

his posts
Member of the leadership of the Arab Socialist Baath Party.
Member of the Palestinian National Council since 1968.
Vice President of the Palestinian National Council.
Secretary-General of the Thunderbolt Organization "The Vanguards of the People's Liberation War", from July 1971 until his assassination on July 25, 1979.
Chairman of the Higher Political Committee for the Palestinians in Lebanon.
Member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
Head of the military department in the Palestine Liberation Organization until his death.
Member of the National Leadership of the Arab Socialist Baath Party from 1971 until his death.
His writings
The book "The Palestinian Revolution between Thought and Practice", Damascus in 1972.
The Palestinian Revolution, Between the Present and the Future, Damascus 1973.
The book "Our Position in the Lebanese Crisis", Damascus in 1977.
The book "The Consolidation of Revolutionary Thought", Beirut in 1978.
perpetuate his memory
In his honor, a school bearing his name was built in his city, Tulkarm.


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