Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Abdulhamid Alsayeh

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1907
  • key_age: 108
  • Резюме :


Sheikh Abdelhamid Asayeh Born in 1907 in Nablus. Studied at Al-Azhar in Egypt, specializing in Shari'a Law. Became a teacher at An-Najah University from 1928-1929, then a writer at Nablus Shari'a Court. Head of the Writers of Nablus Court in 1930, then Shari'a judge in Nablus in 1935. Became Secretary-General of the Islamic Legitimate Council in 1939. Judge in the Shari'a Court in 1941. A member of the Shar'ia Appeals Court in 1946, and appointed as a director of Shar'ia. Became Head of the Shari'a Appeals Court in 1948 until October 1967. In later 1967, he was appointed Minister of Religious Affairs until December 1968. In June 1970 he was appointed as the Chief of the Judges and Minister of the Awqaf and Islamic Affairs until September 1970.


Достижения и награды

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