Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Wassef Erekat

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1946
  • key_age: 76
  • Резюме :


Wassef Erekat, a Palestinian military expert and analyst, was born in the town of Abu Dis in Jerusalem in 1946, a retired major general, and is best known for his book “This is how Beirut stood in 1982.” He finished his secondary education in Jerusalem, began his military career in England as a cadet fighter pilot in the Jordanian Air Force in 1964, then transferred to the Officers' War College, then to the Artillery Corps. He holds a Higher Military Science degree from the Command and Staff College in Pakistan in 1978.

He participated in the 1967 battle in Jenin Governorate, and in the Battle of Karama in 1968 with the Jordanian army, then joined the ranks of the Liberation Organization, Fatah movement and the Palestinian revolution in 1970. He participated in many battles to defend the Palestinian people, and was wounded more than once, and held several positions, including artillery commander. The joint forces in southern Lebanon from 1976 - 1982, and the artillery commander of the siege of Beirut in 1982.

Then he contributed to building institutions for the Palestinian National Authority - the Ministry of Interior and National Security, and held the position of Director General and then Assistant Undersecretary.



Достижения и награды

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