Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Waheed Shawereh

Sector : Media, Journalists

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1890
  • key_age: 133
  • Резюме :


Waheed Shawrieh (1890-1961) Palestinian journalist, nonfiction writer, and poet. He was born and educated in Beit Jala, near Jerusalem, and studied under Khalil Sakakini. He immigrated to Damascus after the Nakba of 1948, so he devoted himself to writing and journalism. He wrote literary and patriotic articles, poetry and a short story. Edited in Al-Mehmaz, Al-Ghad, and Al-Adeeb newspapers. He does not have a collection of poetry and has been published in magazines. He immigrated to Chile and died there.


his biography

Waheed Shawrieh was born in the town of Beit Jala in the year 1308 AH / 1890 AD and grew up there. He studied there first and then in Jerusalem at Al-Nahda College and the Constitutional School, which was founded by Khalil Sakakini in 1908.

He worked as a teacher for a while, then he moved to Damascus after the Nakba 1948, and there he worked in journalism for a while, then he emigrated to Chile, where he practiced some freelance work. He is one of the founders of the Arab Literary Symposium.

Waheed Shawereh died in Santiago in 1381 AH / 1961 AD.



It was mentioned in Al-Babtain’s dictionary about him, “What was available of his poetry is little: one relatively long poem (48 verses in twelve quatrains, from the complete part of different rhymes) through which he expressed the concerns of his homeland, Palestine, and his dream of independence and freedom, which was included in his nostalgia for the people in Jerusalem.” And Nablus, and Beit Jala, and the land of Palestine, and through it he presented the submissive from those who violated the fever, and the sellers of homelands. His language was characterized by strength in expression, loudness in voice, and activity in imagination.


His writings

"The Nakba of Palestine", with Aref Al-Aref

"Study on Bernard Shaw"

"Arab immigrant"

From his translations:


“Fruits of the Earth,” by Andre Gide, on the English language.




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