Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Ameen Habibah

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


British-Palestinian academic and engineering professor at Nottingham Trent University, Amin Habayba, wrote an article about ways to reduce the burning of fossil fuels by using human energy to heat buildings.
In exclusive statements to Arab London, Professor Amin Al-Habaiba said: “It is possible to exploit the natural heat generated by crowds to reduce electricity and gas consumption and reduce bills.”
Al-Habaiba explained that this can be achieved by intelligent use of thermal insulation of buildings with a heat exchange system to maintain air quality. Al-Habaiba pointed out that this can be used in crowded places such as schools, university halls, mosques and entertainment venues.
Al-Habaiba said: “Congestion in the London Underground can be exploited to obtain thermal energy that can be used in neighboring buildings to heat water and heating.
In his article, Al-Habaiba cited the movie “The Matrix,” in which machines unwittingly extracted human body heat to use it as an energy source.
The British-Palestinian academic and professor of engineering at Nottingham Trent University, Amin Habayba, stated that the basis of the idea is to use the warmth generated by humans to heat buildings, and thus this can help combat climate change by reducing the use of fossil fuels.
Al-Habayba answered questions about how to best use human heat to heat buildings. “The heat of the crowd can be extracted through mechanical heat exchangers, which are devices that transfer heat from one area to another - and are used to heat the air entering neighboring buildings,” Al-Habaiba said.
Al-Habaiba mentioned another option that he considered the most flexible, and said: “Heat pumps can be used, which are somewhat similar to reverse air conditioning systems that pump heat in instead of out. This heat can also be stored for later use, for example in water cylinders or modified bricks.” .
Amin Habayba concluded the article by saying that with the recent rise in energy prices and global payment, revolutionary systems like these could provide a way to reduce the use of fossil fuels and reduce energy bills by taking advantage of the waste heat that fills crowded public spaces.


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