Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Muhammad Hashem Ghosheh

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • key_age: 0
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The youngest historian in Guinness.. Muhammad Hashem Ghosheh publishes 3 modern quality books on Jerusalem

Occupied Jerusalem - "I was a child younger than 10 years old when I signed my letters to my sister who is studying medicine at Cairo University with the title of historian, and I set my goal from the beginning and succeeded in it despite the obstacles." This is what the Jordanian Jerusalemite historian and thinker Muhammad Hashem Ghosheh (50 years old) told Al Jazeera Net, as he was preparing to launch 3 qualitative books on Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Quds, bringing the total volumes he wrote to 74 volumes.


The historian has been busy for months with preparations for the launch of his books at the beginning of next September in several Arab and European capitals, those books that he worked on alone from 2008 until this year, to be graduated in Arabic and English, and a total of up to 1,100 pages, described by the Islamic thinker from Washington Safi Qasqas as an "academic victory for Jerusalem">




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