Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Fawzi Alemrani

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Germany
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1968
  • key_age: 47
  • Резюме :


Palestinian artist born in Gaza, lives and works in German.

1986-1993 B.A of Fine Arts (Painting) in Al-Najah National 
university, West bank Nables.
Nationaluniversit?t, Nablus, Westjordanland
1997- 2000 Postgraduate studies (Painting/Graphic) in the art Academy Burg Giebichenstein,Halle (Saale) Germany.
31.03.1999 bis 11.02.2000 Multimedia-Screen-Designer in MediaAkademie Leipzig.

June 1990 - April 1996 Art teacher in Summer Camps (UN & YMCA), Gaza
Okt. 1992 - March 1993 Teaching assistant in the Art academy Al-Najah University Nablus, 
May 1993 - 1995 Art teacher in Gaza College
Mai 1993 - 1996 Art teacher in (YMCA), Gaza
Aug. 1994 - Des. 1994 Art teacher (Enfants Refugies du Monde)
Sep. 1994 - 1996 Art teacher Governmental School in Gaza
Des. 1995 - Jan. 1997 Co-curator for an exhibition „Both Sides of Peace“ in North Carolina, USA "the Palestinian and Israelian political posters".

24 of June – 8 of July 2001 Participate in the Art event and Exhibition " The Dignity of the Man " which held with co-operation of the province.
of Genova in the city Genova, Italy.
2001 Gallery Volkspark, exhibition "Wandlung""Transformation".
Presentation exhibition 200 Gallery in Volkspark under the name"maktub".
1997 & 1998 Exhibition in the Media Academia, Leipzig.
Personal Exhibition in Schaufenster in Bonn. 
Personal Exhibition in Style – Art in Bonn.


Достижения и награды

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