Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Bushra Qurman

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Female
  • Born in: 1948
  • key_age: 74
  • Резюме :


Bushra Qurman, a Palestinian actress, born in Haifa, is considered one of the first female Palestinian actresses from the pre-1948 era.

Her artistic career
She lived in Palestine until she left to study in the United States of America. in independent cinema and earned her master's degree at the University of Goddad in America.

She practiced acting for the first time in her role, Hind, after she started the teaching profession, as teaching was the common profession after the Six Day War.

The goal behind the film was to convey to the viewer the image of the pain and suffering experienced by the Palestinian people during the Six Day War, with the hope of return remaining in the people’s minds through a character through the character of Hind, who waited for the return of her family members after 1967.

Where she said in an interview conducted for her in her roles that she intended to show the Palestinian woman in her integration into society, as she crystallized an image other than the one that was drawn in the minds of the colonizer at the time as a woman with a role in society without separating males and females, in contrast to the stereotyped image circulating about Palestinian women, Bushra Qurman [[Palestinian Cinema] ]]

 She acted in the play "Umm al-Rubabika" by Emile Habibi in 1992, the role of a woman in Haifa who lost her children and husband in the Nakba and dreams of her return.

movie roles
In 1987, she played the role of the bride, the daughter of the chief of the village, in the midst of the crystallization of the Israeli occupation, in the film Wedding of Galilee, directed by Michel Khleifi.
In 1991, in the movie Nasheed El-Hajar, directed by Michel Khleifi, in a heroic role, accompanied by actor Makram Khoury
In 1992, she acted in the play "Umm al-Rubabika" by Emile Habibi, the role of a woman in Haifa who lost her sons and her husband in the Nakba and dreams of her return.



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