Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Tayseer Nazmi

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Kuwait
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1952
  • key_age: 70
  • Резюме :


Tayseer Nazmi is a Jordanian writer, journalist and translator of Palestinian origin who lived until 1992 in Kuwait. He was born in Silat al-Zuhr in 1952 in the West Bank. He grew up, studied and worked there from 1959 until 1992. He is married and has two daughters and a son.


Study and education

He received a BA in English literature from Kuwait University in 1975.


His life and writings

He has published several books in the field of short stories, which is one of the most prominent Arab writers. His first book was published in 1979, entitled "Searching for Space", which was exceptionally well received by Arab critics and praised by writers such as Mahmoud Al-Rimawi, Walid Abu Bakr, Ismail Fahd Ismail and others. In 1982, he published the book “Running Over” by Dar Al-Tale’a Al-Kuwaiti and Dar Al-Mashreq and Al-Maghrib Al-Arabi for publishing and distribution.


Tayseer Nazmi worked in the field of education and in the Kuwaiti press in Al-Qabas and Al-Watan. He also worked as a translator and head of the cultural department in a number of Kuwaiti daily and weekly newspapers. He was a member of the Union of Palestinian Writers and Journalists and is currently a member of the Writers Association in Jordan. He is a member of the Union of Arab Writers and Writers of Asia, Africa and Latin America. And a member of the International Literary Critics Association since 2007.


Nazmi published only one book in Jordan in 2004, entitled “A Feast, Silk, and a Bird’s Nest,” which surprised all Jordanians who did not read this writer, and the first to be surprised by the level of his fictional creativity was the late Khalil Al-Sawahri. Among the writers who discussed his literary productions and published that in their books: Ismail Fahd Ismail in his book on the Arab story in Kuwait, Abdul Sattar Nasser in his book on Jordan and its creators, Sayed Najm in his book Resistance Literature The Palestinian Intifada as a model, and Dr. Yassin Faour in his book on satire literature I have a darling Emile.


Tayseer Nazmi has been living in Amman since 1992. He is one of the most prominent political and cultural quarrelsome voices in Jordan. He has established on the Internet the creativity movement and several websites as an alternative to the prevailing official press. He wrote in the nineties in several newspapers in Jordan, the first of which was the Jordanian market newspaper, which ceased publication, and the last of which was the Jordanian Nabataean daily, in which he served as the founder of the translation and culture departments at the beginning of its publication.


In the early eighties of the last century, Taysir Nazmi translated the memoirs of Moshe Sharett upon her release, as well as the novel “The Uprooted: Diaries of a Palestinian Exile” by Fawaz Turki. He also wrote for several newspapers published in London, such as Al-Quds Al-Arabi and Al-Zaman. He wrote a single novel that the Jordanian Ministry of Culture did not agree to support printing, entitled “The Realities of the Night of Magic in Wadi Rum” in 2004 despite the approval of the Jordanian Department of Publications and Publications.


He is currently resorting to publishing his books in electronic editions, however, in the mid-nineties he was accused of normalization as a result of his knowledge of Israeli literature and his admiration for some Jewish writers that he does not hide or elude without. He writes sometimes in simple and beautiful English, and he is one of the most prominent graduates of English language and literature at Kuwait University in 1975. He recently published in Kuwait the book (The Snowman), which is a book that combines novels and short stories from the publications of the creativity movement and is considered the sixth book among his publications.


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