Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Salah Al-Din Al-Husseini

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Egypt
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1935
  • key_age: 87
  • Резюме :


Salah al-Din al-Husseini, also known as Abu al-Sadiq, is a Palestinian poet born in Gaza in 1935. He joined the ranks of the Fatah movement in 1967 and wrote the first anthem of the Palestinian revolution that became known as the song of the storm, whose beginning is:


In the name of God, in the name of conquest, in the name of the popular revolution, in the name of blood, in the name of the wound that bleeds, freedom in your name, in your name, Palestine, we announced it to millions, a storm, a storm, a storm


He contributed to the establishment of the military media of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement, Fatah, in 1969, and received the mission of the military spokesman for all the factions of the Palestinian revolutionary forces in 1971.


Established the Institute of Palestinian Theater and Folklore in Beirut in 1975


He formed an artistic group composed of the daughters and sons of the martyrs of Palestine, and the world roamed with them to spread the culture of Palestinian resistance


After the PLO left Beirut following the Israeli invasion in 1982, he founded the Palestinian Child Theater in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, with the support of the Department of Culture and Information in the PLO, during which he presented the following works:


The singer of the first intifada

The singer of the second intifada

Songs for the Mujahid martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam

The play of the guard of the spring

Taq Taq Taqqah play

And he issued a revolutionary book

He also contributed to writing the texts of many of the songs of the Palestinian revolution, such as:


storm anthem

green almond

tide tide

They brought the martyr

Tow the commando cannon


shoot my weapon

Ghalabah, Fatah

over the hill

What are we transforming?

How long is our revolution?

O people, my revolution has grown

Some of them were composed by the composer Mahdi Sardaneh. He worked as general manager of the Palestinian Child Theater in Gaza City. . He died in Cairo on January 11, 2011.




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