Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Burhan Eddin Alabboushi

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1911
  • key_age: 110
  • Резюме :


Burhan Al-Din Hassan Qassem Al-Abboushi (1911 - February 8, 1995) was a Palestinian poet and revolutionary, born in the city of Jenin. He was opposed to the British Mandate. He participated in the battles and revolutions of Palestine with the Iraqi army. He lived, married, taught, and was granted Iraqi citizenship in 1951.

He was considered the pioneer of the Palestinian poetic theater, where four poetic plays were released for each play with high artistic value, in terms of narration, dialogues, systems, drama and message, which are “The Martyr’s Homeland” in 1947, “The Ghost of Andalusia” in 1949, and “Arab Al-Qadisiyah” in 1951, Redemption” in 1968, and he immortalized in his poetic play “The Ghost of Andalusia” the great battle of Jenin in staying on the homeland since the decision to partition Palestine was issued on November 29, 1947. Four poetry collections, namely "Mountain of Fire, Meteors, and How Long?! and Soldiers of Heaven." He wrote his personal memoirs in one volume that narrates his life story entitled "From the Slope to the Valley Alby the Voice of My Grandfathers" in 1980, and the Palestine Foundation for Culture published the complete works of the poet under the title "The Knight of the Sword and the Pen - Burhan Al-Din Al-Aboushi" in 2009.

The "Jerusalem Medal for Literature and the Arts" was awarded in 1991 by the Palestinian National Authority, where he was awarded the Presidential Medal "Yasser Arafat" in the presence of a number of Iraqi and Palestinian men of culture and literature.


Достижения и награды

1991: The Jerusalem Medal for Letters and Arts by the Palestinian National Authority.


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