Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Dina Batshon

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Jordan
  • Пол: Female
  • Born in: 1989
  • key_age: 23
  • Резюме :


Dina Batshon is a 22 year old knowledge seeker. She is currently studying architectural engineering in her 5th year. After facing multiple disappointments with regards to her education in Jordan Dina decided to branch out and work/train/volunteer in different fields to find out her passion and her calling. Dina and a team of dedicated youth founded an initiative that targets education institutions in Jordan as an attempt to face the traditional problems they all went through. Tahweeleh (detour) is just ‘an idea away’.

Достижения и награды

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  • key_active_year : key_active_from key_active_to