Although Maha Saleem haven't completed her under graduate education, due to her living conditions, she excelled in her work and she was honored for her dedication and high performance.
Secretarial Diploma, 1988, vocational training, Beit Jala, Palestine.
High School, literary Branch, 1987, Bethlehem High School for Girls, Bethlehem, Palestine.
Work history:
Sales Administration, the Palestinian Telecommunications Company, 1992-2012, Bethlehem, Palestine.
Secretary, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities 0.1990 to 1992 Bethlehem, Palestine.
Teacher, Mare Ephrem School, Bethlehem, Palestine.
Honarary office and memberships:
A member of the Pontifical Mission Library, University of Bethlehem.
A member of the donor Charitable Association.
A member of the workers' union.